Thursday, September 20, 2007

Obama's Tax Cut Proposals

Promises about lowing taxes and putting more money back into the voters’ pockets is the way to get elected to Presidency. Barack Obama is a Democratic Presidential Candidate, who believes he can cut $80 billion dollars in taxes on workers, seniors and homeowners. Obama does not explain in specific about his plans but he does list some tax credits and mention eliminating income tax for seniors. Obama says that the tax code is not fair and he plans on a tax code that rewards its workers and advance opportunities by closing corporate tax loopholes. The article also talks in short detail about Hilary Clinton’s tax proposals as well as John Edward’s plan on raising the taxes on those making over $250,000. When a person is casting their vote they tend to pick the candidate they believe best embodies their values and positions on issues, and one of the most important issues that tend to sway a person’s vote is the issue of money. This article is good to read because you are able to see candidate’s plans on how they will give back money to the workers and seniors and if you fall under their plans.

This article:!370353210&UrAuth=`NXNUOaNTUbTTUWUXUVUZTZUUUWU^UVUZU]U[UcTYWYWZV&urcm=y

If you are interested in other candidates tax plan’s you can go to:

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